European Business Biodiversity Forum

European Business & Biodiversity Forum

From doing better to doing what nature needs 

Main Forum - September 19th 2024, from 9 am to 6 pm       
Welcome coffee from 8.30 am       
Cocktail from 6 pm       
at The Egg Rue Bara 175, 1070 Bruxelles

Special Sessions for WWF Corporate Partners, September 20th 2024, from 9 am to 1 pm    
Welcome coffee from 8.30 am    
Buffet Lunch from 1 pm    
at WWF Belgium, Bd Emile Jacqmain 90, 1000 Bruxelles    


Register for videoconference


Time to act !

We must no longer just do better, we must do what nature needs.

More than 1,000 participants joined us online and on-site at the first edition of the WWF European Business & Biodiversity Forum in Paris in June 2023.

Our forum returns on Thursday, September 19th in Brussels, at The Egg, and on September 20th at WWF Belgium, to continue encouraging and supporting company action on nature issues. So don’t wait any longer, register interest in on site participation or register for videoconference above! 

On the agenda :

September 19th     
Conferences, to shed light on the key issues of the moment :    
- the international context: the key role of businesses in the new post-European elections landscape, and at the upcoming UN biodiversity conference, COP 16    
- the regulatory context : an analysis of the main asks of the CSRD on nature topics, and best ways to address them    
- the urgency of ambitious commitments and action by companies on biodiversity: latest progress from SBTN, and testimonies of the first companies to have set Science Based Targets for Nature    
- the key role of financial institutions in driving corporate action: examples of financial institutions deploying TNFD and other initiatives    
- the importance of building robust transition plans for nature, covering technical, operational aspects (impacts, risks, objectives, etc.), but also organizational and financial aspects (key learnings from the new WWF publication on Nature Transition plans)    

Workshops in small groups, to give you the opportunity to meet pioneer companies and have access to experts :    
- concrete cases of companies piloting SBTN    
- perspectives on different key stages of developing a robust biodiversity strategy:    
- putting your business into action (One Planet for Business Framework ; It’s now for nature ; Biodiversity Risk Filter);    
- going further than reducing impacts, to address positive contributions;    
- providing collective solutions (landscape initiatives; coalitions of pioneering companies), etc.    

Networking sessions

You can read the programme below. Please note that the smaller breakout sessions will not be accessible for virtual participants. The event will be closed with a convivial cocktail.


Forum Biodiversité 2023
Forum Biodiversité 2023

September 20th - Special Sessions for WWF Corporate Partners

- And a special bonus : networking sessions and /workshops on joint advocacy and nature strategies  will be offered to WWF partner companies and special guests on Friday 20th in the morning. One more reason to travel to Brussels: you will have the opportunity to interact with peers in a smaller group setting with more opportunities for discussion.


For any questions, you can contact Laure Lemarquis, , or Titus Ghyselinck, 

Preparing for Convention on Biological Diversity - COP 16 
We also take this opportunity to encourage companies to endorse the COP16 Business Statement “Renewed policy ambition on nature” 

Forêt malgache, Parc amazonien de Guyane

Let's take action together

WWF works to conserve ecosystems on every continent. Help us to continue our conservation and awareness-raising actions as close to the field as possible.